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Strellson values the protection of your data and collects, processes, and uses your personal data exclusively in compliance with the applicable data protection laws, e.g. the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), and the Telemedia Act (TMG), as well as in accordance with the principles described below.

The controller for the operation of this website (hereinafter: “website”) is Strellson AG, Sonnenwiesenstrasse 21, 8280 Kreuzlingen, Switzerland (hereinafter: Strellson). It is also the operator of the online shop (hereinafter: “online shop”), however, its subsidiary, Lenox AG, Sonnenwiesenstrasse 21, 8280 Kreuzlingen, Switzerland is the contractual partner of the customers for online shop purchases. 

Lenox AG is also the controller for the data needed for contract implementation.

The data protection officer can be reached at: 

The representative in the European Union can be reached under: 

Kutzschbach Electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Mr. Manfred Schuster
Markham Str.15
D-86720 Nördlingen.


What data do we collect and for which purpose and on which legal basis?

General Information 

Personal data are all information related to an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes, for example, your name, your phone number, and your mailing and e-mail addresses.

We collect, process and use your personal data in connection with the operation of the website, setting up and operating a customer account, and providing the services offered in connection with the customer account. 

Our subsidiary, Lenox AG, collects, processes, and uses the data collected in the scope of an order in the online shop or released by you for this purpose in your customer account to establish, implement, and process the purchase agreements in the online shop. 

Furthermore, we (and Lenox AG as well) collect, process, and use your personal data only within the extent permitted by law, in particular if you consented to this. This may be the case, e.g., if you subscribed to receive newsletters.

Provision of the Website; Communication

The provision of the website by Strellson requires the handling of personal data (IP addresses) to retrieve the website content.

In addition, you have the option of contacting us using the contact form. For this purpose, we collect your name and e-mail address.

We use cookies to provide our website. For more information about this, see “Web Analytics and Cookies, Social Plugins”.

For the provision of this website and for communication with Strellson, your personal data is handled on the basis of our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR. For the provision of this website, it is technically necessary for us to process certain personal data (e.g. IP address). For your communication with Strellson, it is necessary for us to handle the above-mentioned personal data.

In the scope of the required balancing of interests, we have weighed up your interest in the confidentiality of your personal data against our interests in providing this website and contact with you. In both cases, your interest in confidentiality is waived. Otherwise, we could not provide this website to you or respond to your contact request.

Your Customer Account

This website offers you the option of creating a personal customer account. In your customer account, which is managed by Strellson, you can save personal information for convenient shopping in the online shop. In addition, in the customer account, Strellson offers you access to your purchase history and the option of creating a wish list to save articles for a later purchase.

To create the customer account, your first and last name, your e-mail address, mailing address and a freely chosen password are required. The provision of other data (telephone number, date of birth) is, of course, voluntary. You can update these data anytime or delete the account. 

Your data is used to identify you, to be able to allocate your purchases or shopping baskets to you and subsequently to be able to provide you with a purchase history. If you log into your customer account with us, we can also determine whether you have subscribed to our newsletter. If you have already subscribed to our newsletter and are logged into your customer account, we will not display a banner advertising our newsletter.

You can carry out the deletion yourself by clicking on "Delete customer account" in your customer account. Alternatively, you can also inform us of your request using any of the other contact options provided on this website. Please note that deleting your customer account does not automatically lead to the deletion of all your data held by us, but only to the deletion of the data linked to your customer account. For example, if you have subscribed to our newsletter, this subscription will not be included in the deletion of your customer account. You can cancel your newsletter subscription at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the newsletter or by sending an email to If you wish to have all your data deleted, please inform us accordingly.

Your personal data in the scope of the “customer account” online service is handled for the establishment, implementation, and processing of the corresponding user agreement in accordance with Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR.

The Online Shop

The online shop is operated by Strellson; however, our subsidiary, Lenox AG, is responsible for processing the transactions and it is also the sole contractual partner for the purchases made therein. 

If you are logged into your customer account, the information required to process your order, which is stored in your customer account, will be filled in automatically in the order form. Strellson provides this information to Lenox AG, but exclusively for this purpose of contract performance. Of course, it is also possible to place an order without using a customer account. Lenox AG processes and uses the information in any case only to process the order, and, moreover, insofar as you have given your consent. 

If you are logged into the online shop during the order, your wish lists and the information about the purchases (articles, price and time of purchase) will be saved in your customer account. 

If, instead of a personal customer account, you would like to make a purchase from us as a guest, your data (same data as in your personal customer account is collected in this case) will be saved only for as long as necessary to process the respective purchase, and will then be deleted or blocked. 

Your personal data in the scope of the online shop is handled for the establishment, implementation and processing of the corresponding contracts in accordance with Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR.

Consent and Withdrawal

If you have given us consent to process personal data for specific additional purposes (e.g. credit check, prevention of misuse and fraud, newsletter, preference center), these data are processed on the basis of your consent. When requesting consent, Strellson provides details about the content of that consent. You can find any granted consent of relevance for data protection and additional information about this here.

Consent is always voluntary. If the processing of personal data is based on consent given by you, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. This applies also to consent given to us before the entry into force of the GDPR, that is, before May 25, 2018. You can declare your withdrawal also by e-mailing The legality of the data processed on the basis of consent before the withdrawal remains unaffected by your withdrawal. The legal basis for the data processing based on consent is Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR and Art. 9 (2) a) GDPR. 

Prize competitions

Strellson AG regularly provides opportunities to participate in prize competitions. 

To participate in prize competitions, you must state your full name and, in case of winning, your address.

Your personal data are handled within the framework of the online shop for initiating, implementing, and processing corresponding contracts as per art. 6 para. 1 b) GDPR.

Insofar as the prize competition is carried out on a social media platform, the following section should also be observed.

Facebook and social media sites

You have the option to follow us on Facebook and other social media platforms of third-party service providers. For this purpose, we use the personal data that you provide to us, or respectively, any data about you that are provided to us by the respective platform operator. You can control the privacy settings within a social media platform yourself.

We handle your personal data within the framework of our social media sites on the basis of our legitimate interest as per art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR. To provide our social media sites, it is technically necessary for us to process certain personal data (for example, IP address; personal data that you have made available to the respective platform provider or to us).

As part of the required balancing of interests, we have in each case weighed up your interest in the respective secrecy of your personal data against our interests in providing our social media sites. In so doing, your interest in secrecy is withdrawn. Otherwise we would not be able to offer you our social media sites.

We use service providers to provide our social media sites (for example, Facebook). Any data you transfer to us via our social media sites is also automatically transferred to the respective social media platform operator.

For information about the purpose and scope of the collection, processing, and use of the data by the service provider, as well as your rights and setting options for your protection, please see the corresponding privacy notices, for example that of Facebook under:

Data Transfer and Data Use by Third Parties

We do not transfer your data to third parties, unless we are legally obligated to do so or you have given us your consent to this.

However, to process orders, certain personal data must be provided to our service providers in the EU and Switzerland, e.g. logistics companies, but also for credit checks and payment processing. In this process, known as contract data processing, the service providers are also contractually obligated to process your personal data only in adherence to the data protection regulations and the required security measures.

Automated Decision-Making

If you have given your express consent, we obtain credit-related information about your previous payment history, information to assess the risk of payment default using mathematical/statistical methods by means of scores, and data to verify your address (deliverability check) from or through informa solutions GmbH, Rheinstraße 99, 76532 Baden-Baden.

For this purpose, we send your data (name, address and, if applicable, date of birth) to the company indicated above. This company will use these data for the purposes of address verification and/or identity checks with other companies, as well as for corresponding scoring applications. The score is the calculation of probabilities of a specific future behavior, using mathematical/statistical methods, and the corresponding data are used for this purpose.

As part of the credit check, all available data will be checked to determine what payment methods could be offered for an order and, also, whether an order can be made. In this process, all previous orders in my customer account may be checked as well.

If you have given your express consent, the above-mentioned data will also be sent to the Device Transaction Pool (DTP) to be stored there. The purpose of the DTP is to protect DTP member companies from misuse and bad debt due to fraud, which may result during the provision of commercial, paid-for telecommunication services, or telemedia services to contracting partners that are unwilling or unable to pay, especially as a result of fraud. The transmitted data are stored, processed and used for these purposes only. If a member company makes a request to the DTP, only the results of the investigation in connection with the request will be sent to this member company. Positive data may also be used, i.e. that devices that are used, for example, for payment often and on-time, are assessed positively. Data concerning the results are not stored by the individual member companies beyond the specific case of individual usage. The DTP is operated by infoscore Tracking Solutions (ITS), Kaistraße 7, 40221 Dusseldorf, as the contract data processor of the member companies. 

More information is also available here

Web Analytics and Cookies, Social Plugins

We use “cookies” when you visit the website and the online shop. Cookies are small text files saved by your browser. For example, your shopping cart is managed through temporary “session” cookies. Other information is saved in permanent cookies in order to customize the appearance of the website to your preferences when you access it from your computer at a later time. Cookies do not contain any information that could directly identify the individual user. You can completely disable the use of cookies in the settings of your browser, but also automatically or manually delete cookies. Please note that, in this case, our website may not work or may not work as intended.

If necessary, we use certain data in accordance with the legal regulations in the scope of pseudonymous user profiles for purposes of advertising, market research, or customized design of our offers.

Our “cookie bar” is regularly updated and provides you with the option to freely decide whether and, if yes, which cookie types can be used.

Some cookies are placed by third parties that appear on our pages.

You can change or withdraw your consent to the cookie declaration on our website at any time.

For this purpose, delete the local data in your browser. The next time you visit our website, you can specify your cookie preferences in Usercentrics again.

In addition, our website also uses features of various social networks (“plugins”):

• YouTube plugins

A button with the YouTube logo, white triangle on a red or colorful background, operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”)

• Facebook plugins

Plugins with a white “f” on a blue tile or “Thumbs Up” or “Like”, operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”)

• Instagram plugins

Plugins of the Instagram social network, [provided by Instagram], Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA (“Instagram”) are integrated in this website. You can identify the Instagram plugin by the “Instagram” button.

• Twitter plugins

A button with the text “twitter”, “retweet” or a small bird, operated by Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA (“Twitter”)

If you visit a website offered by us that uses such plugins, your browser connects to the services of the plugin provider, if necessary in the USA. We have no influence on the scope of the data collected by the providers via the plugin. According to the providers, personal data, including the IP address, are collected and processed only if users are logged in. Please note that we receive no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or their use by Instagram. 

Please consult the relevant data privacy policies to find out about the purpose and scope of the collection, processing and use of the data by the providers and your rights in connection with this and settings options for your protection:

• YouTube:

• Facebook:

• Twitter:

• Instagram:

If you are a member of the respective network, but do not want the provider to collect data relating to you through our website and, if applicable, link them to other stored data, please always log out completely from the respective network before visiting other websites and delete any saved cookies as well.


This website uses the technologies of behamics AG for the individualization of website content, playout of behavioral incentives and nudges, as well as for the implementation of anonymous tests to optimize the user experience.
The provider behamics AG collects pseudonymized and only based on the individual user session (cookie-less) information about your usage and purchasing behavior in our online store, in order to be able to offer you a customized user experience on this basis.
Further information and opt-out
Click here to read the privacy policy of the order processor

Storage Duration and Deletion

Strellson saves and processes your personal data only for as long as necessary for the intended purpose (see “What data do we collect and for what purpose and on what legal basis?”). In all other cases, we delete your personal data; data that we have to store in order to fulfill legal obligations (e.g. tax or commercial retention obligations) constitute an exception to this.

Your Rights as a Data Subject

As a data subject, you have a right of access pursuant to Art. 15 GDPR, a right to rectification pursuant to Art. 16 GDPR, a right to data erasure pursuant to Art. 17 GDPR, a right to restriction of processing pursuant to Art. 18 GDPR, and the right to data portability pursuant to Art. 20 GDPR. The limitations in accordance with Sections 34 and 35 BDSG apply to the rights of access and data erasure. 

For reasons arising from your particular situation, you have the right to object anytime to the processing of your personal data, which is done on the basis of Article 6 (1) lit. e) GDPR (data processing in the public interest) and Article 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR (data processing on the basis of a balance of interests). If you object, we will no longer process your personal data, unless we are able to demonstrate compelling legitimate 

reasons for processing, which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing is done in order to assert, exercise, or defend legal claims.

If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates legal requirements, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority competent in our case (Art. 77 GDPR in conjunction with Section 19 BDSG).


We are available to answer any additional questions you might have on data protection and processing of your personal data, as well as for withdrawals or requests to provide information. You can reach us at: or using the contact details provided in the legal notice.
